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We strongly believe that communication is most effective when communication channels are well integrated and consistent with each other.

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Our Project Management Office (PMO) forms the core of our business. This is the central location where our project management methods and standards are developed and projects are coordinated. With the rapidly developing network economy the need for PMOs has become more evident in today's business. Besides the obvious elements such as corporate standards and knowledge management, business increasingly crosses borders involving an international network of specialist professionals.

In the last decade Creaware has streamlined the infrastructure that is required to efficiently and effectively operate in an international network economy, bringing professionals together in the context of IT related projects. This has led to an extensive network, serving many customers in different countries.

The core structure of our project management environment is based on a conventional model where project managers are responsible for one or more projects.

Project members report to the project leader. Project managers communicate the ststus of the project directly with the customer and the coordinators in the PMO.

When a new project is received by the PMO via one of the account managers it is assigned to a project manager who (besides being one of the main contacts for the customer during the project), checks and if necessary further clarifies the requirements, composes the project team and appoints a project leader. When project documentation and planning has been completed and confirmed the project leader takes the responsibility for the completion of the project activities.

Now instead of hiring a large expensive office building with professionals traveling from home to a central office our project members, - leaders and - managers work from home and/or their own office and can be based anywhere in the world. Phone, video conferencing, instant messaging and email are the main forms of communication. Geographical location of the project members is determined by the type of service that is required.

The above described structure gives us maximum flexibility in choosing the best possible team for each incoming project. Our project managers have access to a centrally managed and internet based project management environment without the need to re-invent the wheel themselves.

Project managers, - leaders and - members work in their own physical environment and don't have to waste time in traffic jams and congest the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. Whereas on the receiving end it is the customers who are getting the work done as requested at the best possible price.